Athletics at Vertus
Welcome to our athletics program website! We are proud competitors in three Section V sports, and we look forward to adding more sports to our program in future years.
On the court and on the field, our Vertus men practice the virtues we teach and discuss every day: grit, self-control, social intelligence, zest—you'll see them all in action on Vertus' sports teams.
To learn more about our program, visit the pages for each of our sports or contact, Athletic Director, Richard Maez at 585-397-0197
Our Mascot
The Vertus Warrior embodies the virtues of Courage, Leadership, and Responsibility. To be successful in battle, warriors must act bravely, lead wisely, and choose responsibly. The shield and swords in our logo, designed by Vertus student Daniel Schranck, depict the armor that protects a warrior and the weapons that serve justice when battle is necessary.